Asset Management
Belfort Capital Group supports its clients with the selection of a suitable custodian bank. Based
on a limited power of attorney we act as an independent relationship manager and primary contact
of the client. With regard to the management of the assets booked with custodian banks we will
provide accurate consolidated reporting, timely information exchange, administration of investments
and transactions, secure cash management and more.

For optimal investment results Belfort Capital Group observes the following principles:

  • We analyze the individual risk appetite and risk capacity of a client

  • We support and advise our clients on investment strategies as a solid basis for further
    investment decisions in each individual portfolio (strategic asset allocation)

  • We recommend the implementation of a stable core, complemented with appealing satellite
    investments (core-satellite approach)

  • We provide for diversification among asset classes by selecting low-correlated assets
    within each individual portfolio

  • We ensure constant investment monitoring and periodic re-evaluation of the clients risk profile